Yang Xiaodu

Yang Xiaodu 杨晓渡

Current status
National Supervisory Commission


Relevance to Tibet
Heads a powerful new anti-graft body that extends the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection’s power beyond the Party. Spent 15 years working in the TAR.


Pronunciation: Yang Hsee’ow-doo
Born: 1953, Shanghai
Education: Sent-down to do manual labour in Anhui Province, then studied at the Shanghai University Traditional Chinese Medicine. He later studied legal theory at the Central Party School whilst working in Tibet.
Career: Worked for a pharmaceutical company in Nagchu and started to assume local Party roles in Nagchu and Chamdo, rising to a Vice Chairman of the TAR in 1998.  Held further roles in Shanghai Deputy Secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, working with Wang Qishan.
Prospects: Member of 19th Politburo. Unexpectedly promoted to head the National Supervisory Commission (China-watchers expected this role to go to Politburo Standing Committee member Zhao Leji). This body gives powers to inspect discipline outside the Party membership.
Relevance to Tibet: A powerful anti-corruption leader with work experience in the TAR. Powerful connections through his close working relationship with Wang Qishan.

Standing in the Party and Career Highlights:

This is a “mini” profile, see information above.

Contact Information:

  • Address: Zhongnanhai, Xi Chang’an Jie, Beijing 100017.
  • Website: www.gov.cn
  • Phone: + 86 10 63070913
  • Fax: + 86 10 63070900