Wang Chen

Xiao Jie 肖捷

Current status
Minister of Finance


Relevance to Tibet
Previous Ministers of Finance have been part of the Tibet Work Leading Group.


Pronunciation: Wang Chen
Born: 1957, Kaiyuan County, Liaoning Province
Education: Studied in the Finance Department of Renmin University (1978 – 1982), in (West) Germany from 1987 to 1989 and for an on-the-job doctorate whilst at the Ministry of Finance.
Career: For most of his career has worked at the Ministry of Finance apart from brief periods in Liaoning and Hunan Provinces, and at the Central Party School.
Prospects: Member of 18th CCP Central Committee. Promoted to Minister of Finance in November 2016 when China suddenly replaced his well-known predecessor Lou Jiwei.
Relevance to Tibet: May join the reconstituted Tibet Work Leading Group?

Standing in the Party and Career Highlights:

This is a “mini” profile, see information above.

The former Minister of Finance, Lou Jiwei – a familiar and respected face internationally – was seen as an outspoken and reformist figure, according to the BBC. Xiao Jie is a long-term advocate for tax reform who spokes the cheapest brand of cigarette so that no-one can bribe him with a more expensive variety.

Contact Information:

  • Address: Ministry of Finance, No.3 Nansanxiang, Sanlihe, Xicheng District,Beijing China(100820)
  • Website:
  • Phone: + 86 10 6855 1114
  • Fax: + 8610 6855 1562