He Lifeng

He Lifeng 何立峰

Current status
Development & Reform Commission


Relevance to Tibet
National Development and Reform Commission role (state planning body) may include membership of the Tibet Work Leading Group.


Born: 1955, Xingning, Guangdong province
Education: A “sent-down” youth. Later studied finance at Xiamen University school of economics. Went on to pursue a master’s degree.
Career: Most of his career has been in Fujian and Tianjin, rising to Party Secretary of Fuzhou. Has been a Deputy Director of the National Development and Reform Commission since 2014 and took the top position in 2017.
Prospects: Member of the CCP 19th Central Committee. Future prospects for promotion unclear.
Relevance to Tibet: May join the reconstituted Tibet Work Leading Group.

Standing in the Party and Career Highlights:

This is “mini” profile. See information above right.

Contact Information:

  • Address: National Development and Reform Commission, No.38 Yuetan Nanjie, Xicheng District, Beijing 100824
  • Website: www.bgt.ndrc.gov.cn/
  • Phone:
  • Fax: