Wu Zegang

Wu ZegangName
Wu Zegang

Current status
Governor of Ngaba (Aba) Prefecture


Relevance to Tibet
An ethnic Tibetan in a senior position in the Ngaba region, the restive region that has been at the centre of the wave of self-immolations since 2009.


Pronunciation: Woo Zeh-gang soundbite
Born: October 1955.
Education: Unknown.
Career: Joined the Party in 1982, rose through the Communist Youth League and periods of study at the Central Party School to become Governor of Ngaba in June 2008.
Prospects: Probably quite good, though Tibetan cadres rarely rise as far as provincial level Party Secretaries.
Relevance to Tibet: A Tibetan prefectural leader charged with expressing China’s position on the self-immolations to foreign media.

Standing in the Party and Career Highlights:

This is a “mini” profile. See information in the Overview box, above right.

Quotations By/Comments About:

  • At a briefing by Sichuan officials at the National People’s Congress on March 2012, Wu Zegang had the dubious privilege of explaining to foreign media the official position on the unprecedented number of self-immolations by Tibetans, especially in Ngaba Prefecture. An Associated Press article on 7 March 2012 quoted him as saying, “Some of the suicides are committed by clerics returning to lay life, and they all have criminal records or suspicious activities. They have a very bad reputation in society.” Wu went on to tell reporters in Beijing that the self-immolations were “orchestrated and supported” by the Dalai Lama and Tibetan independence forces. He said that before setting themselves on fire, the immolators shouted “independence for Tibet and other slogans that aim to divide the nation.”
  • Xinhua’s report on Wu’s statement was more detailed. “The Dalai Lama clique and overseas separatist forces are leading Tibetan Buddhism onto the track of extremism. By touting self-immolaters as heroes and performing religious rituals to expiate the sins of the dead, they support and inspire self-immolations. They instigate people to emulate this behavior and are not hesitant to use terrorism to reach their objectives.” The report continued, “The double-faced tactics of the Dalai Lama clique are alluring and deceptive. It is because of the beguilement and instigation of the Dalai Lama clique that self-immolations in China’s Tibetan-populated regions appear contagious,” Wu said.

Contact Information:

  • Address: Aba Tibetan Qiang Autonomous Prefecture CCP Committee, Ma’erkang (Barkham), Sichuan 624000, PRC.
  • Website: http://www.abazhou.gov.cn/
  • Phone: +86 837 2822976 (Information Department)
  • Fax:

Ngaba Public Security Bureau Contact Information:

  • Address: Aba Prefecture PSB, Ma’erkang County, Majiang Street #208, Sichuan 624000 PRC.
  • Website: http://www.abazhou.gov.cn/zwfwzx/zwdt/bmsp/zgongaju/bmjj3/
  • Phone: +86 837 282 5110/3110
  • Fax: +86 837 282 1475