Wu Zegang

Wu ZegangName
Wu Zegang

Current status
Governor of Ngaba (Aba) Prefecture


Relevance to Tibet
An ethnic Tibetan in a senior position in the Ngaba region, the restive region that has been at the centre of the wave of self-immolations since 2009.


Pronunciation: Woo Zeh-gang soundbite
Born: October 1955.
Education: Unknown.
Career: Joined the Party in 1982, rose through the Communist Youth League and periods of study at the Central Party School to become Governor of Ngaba in June 2008.
Prospects: Probably quite good, though Tibetan cadres rarely rise as far as provincial level Party Secretaries.
Relevance to Tibet: A Tibetan prefectural leader charged with expressing China’s position on the self-immolations to foreign media.