Liu Zuoming and Shi Jun_2Name
Shi Jun

Current status
Sichuan’s Chief of Public Security


Relevance to Tibet
In charge of public security in Sichuan. Former Ngaba (Aba) Party Secretary. Known for his hardline policies.


Pronunciation: Shuh Joon soundbite
Born: January 1962, Sichuan.
Education: Masters Degree in Engineering.
Career: Has spent entire career in Sichuan, rising through the Youth League and positions in Zigong and Guangyuan Cities to be Party Secretary of Ngaba Prefecture for almost five years.
Prospects: Appears to be on the ascendant despite open criticism of his time in Ngaba by a Tibetan cadre who wrote “the damage done to Tibetan culture is the greatest” (see below).
Relevance to Tibet: Responsible for Public Security in Sichuan. A known hardliner who was Party Secretary of Ngaba Prefecture for almost five years.

Standing in the Party and Career Highlights:

This is a “mini” profile. See information in the Overview box, above right.

Quotations By/Comments About:

A translation by High Peaks Pure Earth of an open letter, from Tibetan cadre Luo Feng to Chinese leaders, complaining about the promotion of Shi Jun makes a number allegations against and comments about Shi, including:

  • “there are many stories about him among the populace and some of them are really not unreasonable. Some people say that he is the “lord of devils.”
  • “There is a saying among the people: the practice of one guard every three paces and a sentry post every five paces is just like Iraq, the practice of more members of the working team than the number of monks is like the Cultural Revolution, and the practice of having the common people live under the gun is like Libya.”
  • “As long as his thinking, his methods, his feeling and his attitude does not change, and he continues to do his work crudely, then it will be very difficult for Ngaba to be peaceful and for monasteries to be auspicious.”
  • “He has transferred his hatred against those who engaged in beating and smashing in “March 14 Incident” to Tibetan cadres and common people…..All those who speak Tibetan have become an object of suspicion. In his view, Tibetan costumes should only appear on stage or in dramas, otherwise, those who wear them are disloyal.”

Contact Information:

  • Address: Sichuan Public Security Bureau, No.9 Jindunlu, Chengdu, Sichuan 610041, PRC.
  • Website:
  • Phone: +86 28 8630 1176
  • Fax: +86 28 8630 1177

Ngaba Public Security Bureau Contact Information:

  • Address: Aba Prefecture PSB, Ma’erkang County, Majiang Street #208, Sichuan 624000 PRC.
  • Website:
  • Phone: +86 837 282 5110/3110
  • Fax: +86 837 282 1475