Peng Qinghua

Peng Qinghua 彭清華

Current status
Party Secretary, Sichuan Province


Relevance to Tibet
Responsible for Sichuan which encompasses a large part of Tibet. Likely to join the Tibet Contact Group.


Born: 1957, Daye County, Hubei Province
Education: Has a degree in philosophy, a Master’s from the International Business school of Hunan University and a doctorate from the management school of Sun Yat-sen University.
Career: 20 years with the Organization Department in Beijing, interspersed with periods of study (1983 – 2003). In December 2003 moved to Hong Kong to the SAR Liaison Office, rising to be Director of that Office 2009 – 2012. Party Secretary of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region 2013 – 2018 and of Sichuan from March 2018.
Prospects: Sichuan is regarded as an important Province because of its large size. Peng is a member of the 19th Central Committee.
Relevance to Tibet: Responsible for a large part of Tibet. Likely to join the Tibet Contact Group.

Standing in the Party and Career Highlights:

This is a “mini” profile. See Overview box above right.

It should be noted that one of the factions named by Xinhua in December 2014 was the “Secretary” clique, which included a number of officials in Sichuan Province linked to Zhou Yongkang’s tenure as Party Secretary from 1999 – 2002. Two of those named were Guo Yongxiang and Li Chongxi, formerly deputy Party Secretaries of Sichuan.

Mini-profiles of officials within Sichuan Province are also available on this site: Shi Jun, Sichuan’s Head of Public Security, Liu Zuoming, Party Secretary of Ngaba Prefecture and Wu Zegang, Governor of Ngaba Prefecture.

Contact Information:

  • Address: Sichuan Provincial General Office. No.30 Duyuanjie, Chengdu, Sichuan 610016
  • Website:
  • Phone: + 86 28 8660 4437
  • Fax: + 86 28 8660 4036